Saturday, August 3, 2013

Magic in Room 6

To start our new inquiry topic Mrs Salisbury showed us a few magic tricks. At first we wondered how the tricks worked. How was Mrs Salisbury able to hold a ten cent coin in one hand and then magically join another ten cent coin onto the edge of the first one? She could even make it spin around. Some of us thought we could do this ourselves so we had a go. Were the coins joined by licking one of the coins first or had some glue had been put on the coins first? We just couldn't get it to work.
Next we were amazed as a hair clip was made to disappear from a small box. We wondered if there was a hole the clip could have been hidden in but we checked the box and there were no holes.
What was truly remarkable was the raising of a needle so that it could float in the air. 
What could possibly have made all these tricks work? 
There are such clever children in Room 6 that some of us soon worked out that Mrs Salisbury had been using a magnet in her magic gloves to help her do all the tricks.

We then spent some time making some predictions about what things in the class were magnetic and testing out our ideas to see if we were right. 

We can't wait to do more investigating with magnets. 

What magnets can you find at home? How are they used? You might like to bring some in to share with us in class.


luke tait said...

that was really fun

Sarah (Ned's Mum) said...

Ned came home and told us all about the magic tricks and how they worked.