Monday, December 2, 2013

EOTC week

What a fabulous day Room 6 had on it's first E.O.T.C activity for the week. We headed off to Harcourt Park where the sun shone all day long for us. We enjoyed paddling in pool area, rolling down the hills, climbing trees and making use of the great activities they have at the park. It was nice to have so many shady areas under the trees to rest and take a break from the sun. 

Fun at the park. The water slide was great to go down.

Hanging about

climbing along the bars.

Rolling down the hill.

Learning to cross the road!

Stop wait for the cars to go.


Isabella said...

I got soaked in the paddling pool

Luke tait said...

That paddling pool was super cold until I got used to it.!

phoebe tait said...

Going to the paddling pool was very awesome.I also liked playing on the flying fox.It was cool riding the bus to Harcourts park.I liked the trip a lot.It meant me and my friends could hang out together at Harcourts park.