Thursday, February 6, 2014

Friendship fruit salad

We did not want the rotten banana
We have had a lovely first week in Room 6. We're starting to make new friends, and have talked a lot about how Room 6 is a very special class, where we all look after each other. On Wednesday we made a friendship fruit salad. This helped us to share ideas about the kinds of things we like to see the children doing in our classroom. In our friendship fruit salad we put in different fruits. Each fruit represents the varying values we like to encourage in the children as they work together in our room. We have lots of helpful, hard working, kind and sharing children already so it was good to share our fruit salad with wonderful students who are eager to make Room 6 a friendly place to work in. We had a rotten banana, that wasn't very nice but nobody wanted that in our friendship fruit salad! Rotten bananas are yucky and we want to make sure yucky words and actions don't make their way into Room 6 either.  We're always on the look out for how our class helps to look after one another and have seen many wonderful examples of this happening already. Well done Room 6! 
Devon puts in the lovely children of Room 6 ( blueberries)

Arleena adds more fruit
Callie adds the delicious sweet peaches

Mix it up together

We mix it all together

Mix it all together

More mixing

Yum it tastes great

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