Sunday, May 11, 2014

Exciting start to Term 2

It was great to see everyone last week after a good holiday break. We loved hearing and reading all your holiday stories.
This Term we have lots of fun and exciting things happening. Our inquiry focus is electricity and sound. We started this with a scavenger hunt around the school looking for things that need electricity to work. These photos show some of the things we discovered used electricity. Maybe you would like to look around at home and see what you can find that uses electricity.


Anonymous said...

Hi Room 6

I think you did a fantastic job of using the iPads, to show the things you found that use electricity around the school.
You all have such great questions about electricity to investigate this term.
I know that you need electricity to make a lot of things work at home, like an oven or lights, but I wonder what people used before there was electricity? Do you know?
From Howie

Anonymous said...

Hi room 6. I loved doing the electricity work. It was fun and cool. Our wall looks great. From Arleena