Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wonderful Weight!

Room 6 have started Term 4 thinking about weight and capacity. How much things weigh and how much things can hold? We had a fun time on Thursday and Friday measuring with balancing scales, cubes and measuring cups. Daan was very clever and experimented and made his own balancing scales at home. What a clever idea Daan! Maybe you could spend time at home measuring things and have a go at some cooking. We also still need some playdough for some fun enrichment activities so it would be great if some students could make some wonderful colours of playdough for us! We are all very proud of Renée as she has been an amazing Jump Jam leader this week. Terrific job!

1 comment:

LisaC said...

I am always proud of you Renée and I was especially proud seeing you as one of the leaders on stage at Jump Jam last week.