Friday, May 25, 2018

Monet paintings

Over the last few weeks we have been busy painting in the style of Claude Monet. We looked at lots of different pictures he painted and found out that he used a wide range of vibrant colours and painted using short brushstrokes.   We learnt he was the founder of the impressionist movement. He was interested in light and colour.  He wanted to paint how we look upon a scene, rather than what is actually there.
We painted the Japanese Bridge over the water lily pond and water lilies. 
Come into Room 6 to see our amazing art work.
Short brush strokes 

Small dabs of colour 

Careful colour mixing 

We used primary colours and white to make shades of greens and blues.

Great mixing

Water lilies 

Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge

Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge

Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge

 Wonderful art work Room 6. 

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