Thursday, June 20, 2013

Space art

This week we all finished off our fantastic space pictures. We used paints and pastels to create a space scene. We mixed primary colours to make secondary colours and used white to make different shades.  Take a look at our amazing art on display in the entrance hall.


Anonymous said...

Wow! What fabulous art works you have created Room 6! You are all very clever and I am pleased that your work is on display in the school foyer so that everyone else can see how amazing your work is. Well done!

Sage Pettus said...

I really like your pictures of space! They are very colourful pictures Room 6!


Anonymous said...

I have been enjoying looking at your beautiful art work in the office foyer. Ned has also been doing space art work at home.

Sarah (Ned's Mum)

Anonymous said...

I have been enjoying looking at your beautiful art work in the office foyer. Ned has also been doing space art work at home.

Sarah (Ned's Mum)