Saturday, March 29, 2014

Changes in Room 6

Over the last eight weeks we have seen so many different changes on our Swan plant. At first there were some tiny little eggs hidden under the leaves. Then we found little baby caterpillars crawling along the leaves.

After only a few days these small caterpillars began to grow and grow. They munched all day on the leaves and became fatter and fatter.

They grew so fat and so big until they were ready to stop and change again.
They attached themselves to a stem and curled up.

Next they began to shed their skin and wriggle into a green cocoon.

Then finally they began to change colour and like magic one day out came a beautiful Monarch butterfly. 

We tagged the butterflies for the New Zealand Monarch Butterfly Trust!
We want to track how far tagged butterflies can fly and

where they go! 


Curtis' Nana and Poppa in Morrinsville. said...

The series of photos are the best I have ever seen of the Monarch butterfly's life cycle.I will keep a watch out for a butterfly with a tag.It will be so fascinating to see where it comes from!

Vanessa Tindle said...

Hello Room 6. Our caterpillars have just hatched on our swan plant at home. We are looking forward to watching them grow and to see each stage in the Monarch Butterfly lifecycle; just as you have been observing in your classroom. You are all beautiful artists and your room looks like a colourful art gallery of learning! Keep up the great work. Paige's Mum.