Tuesday, September 9, 2014


We were very excited to have Ori's Mum, Tamar come and share with us her knowledge about the celebration of Hanukkah. As part of our inquiry into celebrations and festivals this term it is interesting to look at the different things that some people in other countries celebrate. 
Some of us got to light the hanukkiah that Tamar brought in. This is a special light which has 9 candles in it. One of the candles is called the shammash or guardian light and is higher than the other 8 candles. Each night the guardian light is used to light the other 8 candles over the 8 days that Hanukkah is celebrated. 

Liam lights one of the candles

Paige lighting the fifth candle

Hannah lighting the sixth candle

Ori lights the seventh candle

We also made some potato latkes which are a special food eaten during this celebration. We enjoyed eating these with some apple sauce and sour cream. Yum!
Grating the potatoes

Mixing the flour

cracking the eggs

whisking the eggs

Frying the mixture

They tasted Yum

This week we made some dreidels with our buddy class. Dreidels are a spinning top that is used in a game that is played during Hanukkah. We will teach our buddies how to play this game soon. 

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